Human Insight more important in Data-Driven World

Forrester’s article emphasizes the importance of human insight and thinking in a post-digital world. As our organizations digest and rely on more data from an increasing number of channels, many fear the reduced role of human-led decision making. Will our organizations be reduced to data-led decision making with dashboards running everything from operations to finance and sales? “Isn’t everything digital?” ….asks eBay’s CMO in the article. I agree with Forrester’s position that everything definitely is not digital. Data will play an increasing role as a resource to inform our decisions but the role of humans in reasoning, providing insight and ultimately defining strategy and direction is becoming even more important. The winners will be companies that recognize the need for strategic decision making and not simply data science.

Last week, a sports news item announced the recruitment of a “data science” expert to become GM of a NHL team. This young guy has little or no GM experience in the league but is loaded with analytics expertise. Should he be GM or should he support a seasoned GM that understands the nuances of succeeding in the NHL?
